Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The joys of running

Usually running is a great thing. Like the Tater Trot, for example. While it wasn't my best race ever, it was good.

This morning's run was not good. I don't know what the problem is. My body seems to be telling me that it doesn't want me running. And, to make me stop my stomach decides it is time to throw up. Yes, it is really disgusting, but this now officially brings the total to three. Three times in the last six months that barfing has interrupted my running.

How am I supposed to do well in the Scoresby Scamper if I can't even make it a mile without barfing?


Margaret said...

You can always be loser-ish and walk with me and the babies and the preggos!

Preston said...
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Sarah said...

Remember when we hiked the Y and you threw up? Maybe you just have an over active reflex.