Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This morning I took a survey. At the end it asked those general questions about gender, race, age. I didn't realize it, but I'm in a new age bracket. How can that be?

While that was disappointing, because of my survey I stopped to take advantage of this deal on my way to work and got the exact same survey! Now, I can ease my sorrows over my age with another awesome deal!

Speaking of awesome deals...

the Girl Scouts stopped by the other day and Ben bought some cookies. They were delivered to the Clark's so I got to sneak a taste of them before I give them to Ben. Hopefully, there will be some left...


Margaret said...

Mmmm...Thin Mints, I hope.

Margaret said...

And stop whining about being 25, for heaven's sake!

Shannon said...

I actually think 25 is the ideal age myself! :)

I recently thought of this too when I was looking at races this summer and realized I'd be in a different age bracket too. Too bad it won't help me until I turn, like 60. ;)

Shannon said...

Wow, I said 'too' a lot there... oh well. Hope you enjoyed your cookies. :)

Sarah said...

Janet and I are confused by all the deals and surveys. What are you talking about?

Tracy said...

25 is the best, you get to do a car with no extra fee, drink, vote. It's 26 that's the problem. nothing to look forward to.