Monday, January 18, 2010

Wanted: 1 Good Husband

Looking through an old journal of mine while I was at home this weekend, I found one of those mandatory lists all teenage girls make about their future husband. I'd have to say that since I made this list most of the things on it are still important to me, but I had a good laugh about some of them. Here is a sampling of what my husband will be like (in no particular order and according to my teenage self):
-Is a member of The Church and will honor the priesthood.
-Makes me laugh.
-Lets me have a kitty.
-Isn't way in debt.
-Taller than me.
-From the eastern United States.
-Buys me all 10 seasons of JAG on DVD.
Obviously I have my priorities in line. Anyone who fits the above description may apply for the position listed, and I am willing to make exceptions.


Margaret said...

Good thing JAG is a deciding factor in deciding who to marry!

Lisa said...

This list was definitely written by an incredibly mature teenager. You could never possibly live without a kitty, and someone who requires that kind of sacrifice would never be worth it. Also, getting you JAG is the sign of a confident man, since he wouldn't feel threatened by your TV idol/obsession.

The Ben Joslin said...

Wait, I thought I read on the list that it said "All 7 seasons of Star Trek the Next Generation"!! You changed what your list said to try to not reveal to everyone that you are a MASSIVE Star Trek fan!!