Monday, November 12, 2007

Dear Family,
We don't have much time this week, so this will just be to tell you that things are good here. I'm excited for Sarah's call to the Peru Lima East mission. She goes in on my 6-month mark!

We had a pretty good week, even though it didn't feel like it during the week. We were able to get two of our investigators to set a baptism date! And, two of our three progressing investigators were at Sacrament meeting! It was great. I'm pretty sure I'm staying here in Andalusia. We can't get the transfer information yet, but I think we are getting a third sister. President told us that last week at Stake Conference.

I don't know if there is anything new. I've been learning how to work through disappointment as the non-member YW president told us she didn't want us to teach her the lessons. It was hard to hear that and to know what she is missing out on having the gospel in her life. We love her to pieces, but she just doesn't want to overcome her concerns.

Do you think you could send some piano music from the music binder. Each week we sing at a nursing home, so we need more music to sing.

I love you all and appreciate your prayers!
Love, Joanna

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