Friday, October 16, 2009

Super Cute Sundriness

Back when school was starting and everyone was beginning life in new wards, Super Cute Sunday became a major topic of discussion. You can read more here, here, and here. After all the stress of finding the most SCS appropriate outfit, I decided on this one.

No one at church commented on how cute I looked in this outfit. I didn't care. I knew I was looking cute.

So, why does this all matter now, seven and a half weeks later?

Yesterday, I went to the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra. I wore a similar outfit except I had on some khakis and brown shoes with brown accessories. This is the response I got: "Hi! You look super cute!"

Yes! Success!! Super Cute Sunday really does pay off!


Margaret said...

You always look super cute to me!

Emily said...

My question is who was it who told you you looked super cute?

Janet said...

yeah jo, who told you that you looked super cute????

Shannon said...

Hmmm...I need more details too.
Ps. That shirt is adorable.

The Ben Joslin said...

Seriously, tell us all who told you that you looked super cute!