Dear Family and friends,
It sounds like it was a pretty fun week going out to BYU. I'm a little sad that I missed out on all the fun, but we had a pretty good week here, too.
Because of Tropical Storm Fay the Saturday sessions of conference were cancelled, so they just had the Sunday morning session. It was really good. Elder Johnson gave an amazing talk and told the Stake that there is only one thing wrong--there aren't enough members. He told them they all need to go out and invite their friends to learn more. It was so good! Of course, President Summerhays loved what he said. After conference we talked with President and Sister Summerhays a little bit. The ward had a meet and greet to get to know people. We saw some people that we'll be working with in the ward which was really good. After that, the institute director invited us over for dinner that night with his family. It felt like I was back at home, only he has young kids. We even played a couple rounds of scum. Because school started this week. we worked extra hard to find people to teach. Everyday they had lunch at the institute, which was really nice for us because we didn't have to walk all the way home. Wednesday was Zone Conference. It was amazing as always. I'll write more about it later. But, we set specific goals of how many new investigators we were going to find on Thursday, so we spent Thursday doing lots of finding. We met our goal and finally have some people to teach. Friday, they have a little forum at the institute and President Summerhays spoke, so we spent our lunch there and then went to the Rondald McDonald House. We had dinner with the Institute people because one of the elders is going homme next week. It was good. Then today was p-day.
So, Zone Conference. I love Zone Conference, and I am going to dread the day when I don't get to go to them anymore. President Summerhays is a great mission president, and I know that I needed to come when he was here. We had a pretty interesting interview. He does them throughout the day so I meet with him before anything started. We had a good talk, and then he told me he wanted to talk with me after, as well. He said he didn't know what was going to happen with transfers next week, but he did know that I am going to stay here. After zone conference, we talked again. It was really good. I feel so much better about the direction that things are headed here. I was really feeling like this was the worst place ever, but now I know that it is going to become an amazing area. He told me a little bit more about transfers and why he didn't know what was exactly happening. He wants this work to move forward more than it has in the 8 previous years, and he has found that changing our culture to one of excellence will move the work forward. He said that he wants me to train, but if neither of the new sisters coming out are a suitable match then I might be getting Sister Hancock, who I was going to train in Geneva. He, of course, said that he didn't know so we'll find out next week what happens. We had a really good talk about Andalusia and why I got to go to such an amazing place for my first area. He had to go do a baptismal interview there yesterday, and I tried really hard to talk him into letting me go along with him and Sister Summerhays, but it didn't work out. He did tell me that I won't end my mission here on campus. Sister Summerhays and I had a really good talk, too. If I'm not training this next transfer, then I get to spend the whole day with Sister Summerhays. I would absolutely love it if I got to spend all day with her. It is a secret wish of all the sisters to get to do that. We'll see if it happens.
So, I forgot last week to write about my dermatologist appointment. It was fine. He said I have excema and gave me a prescription. I had to pay for the visit with my personal credit card because they said they didn't accept the missionary insurance. Sister Summerhays said that they (the insurance) are going to reimburse me for it. So, just so that you don't think I made a hundred dollar purchase on my credit card, that is what happened. The prescription seems to be working. I go back in two months for a check up.
I can't believe that you got to meet Devri! I haven't heard from her for a while, but I knew things were fine with her. She was a good companion and trainer. BYU is such a small world. It sounds like everything else was fun, too. Can we do all of those things when we go out in April? I can't believe Janet is now a real BYU student. One day this week, one of the elders asked if I had a sister at BYU and I said no, but then I remembered that Janet is there! My little sister is all grown up!
Thanks for getting that stuff for me. I'm excited to see all the fun pictures that you took during the week while you were having all sorts of fun. I got a letter from Sarah this week and it was really good. Sas, there is a letter in the mail for you. Keep working hard.
Well, I better go. I can't think of too much else to write. I love you!
Love, Joanna
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope this letter is much appreciated because we walked through wind and rains to get to the library so that we could check our email today. Things with Hurricane Faye are not too bad. I actually thought it was a tropical storm, though. All it is is a lot of wind and rain. The power went off at our dinner appointment last night, so we could only eat the stuff that didn't need to be cooked. It was a little like that Christmas Eve several years ago. It also blinked off for a couple of minutes this morning, during our study, but it came back on. So, my first experience with a tropical storm hasn't been too bad. We weren't really able to work outside yesterday, but we made do with stuff inside and then our service at the Ronald McDonald house in the afternoon.
We are getting ready for the start of school on Monday. We have come up with a plan that will help get the word out early. Most of the other missionaries from the Tallahassee area are going to help us out during the day. The Institute director and the senior couple at the Institute have also been a big help. Other than that we still haven't found anyone to really teach and none of the potential investigators have really made contact with us. So, the work is still slow.
I wish I could go with everyone to the temple. That is one of the things that I really miss. I wish we had a temple so that we could go. Soon enough I'll be able to go again. I got both family letters this week in the mail and also a letter from Grandma, Sarah, and a friend on a mission in California. I was really happy to get some mail. So much has happened in the extended families this summer. I feel like I have missed out on a lot of stuff. Oh well! It happens when you are on a mission.
I do have a couple of things to ask/tell you about. Can I get the recipe for Hot Cross Buns? The senior sister at the Institute was talking about them and said she can't find a recipe for any like the ones her grandma or mom used to make. When she started describing them, it sounded a lot like yours. So, she wanted me to ask you for the recipe.
Also, I was talking to the secretary at the Institute this week. She was asking about Lynn Scoresby and things. I thought maybe I would ask her if she knew Brother Garr. She said that he actually hired her for the job and she got all excited when I told her I knew him. She said that in September or October they are having a Stake CES week and he is coming to be the keynote speaker! I'm excited about it! I hope that I am still here so that I can see him.
We are having Stake Conference this weekend. We are getting a new stake presidency so there are two general authorities coming. We know that one is Elder Kenneth Johnson, who spoke at general conference, but we don't know who the other one is. We only get to go to the Sunday session, though. It will be interesting to see the changes. I haven't been at a stake conference when the stake presidency was changed since I was little. We also have our zone conference this next week.
I finally got a letter from Sarah this week. I really enjoyed it, and am writing her back today. I only need stamps though, and I don't know when I'll be able to get some. Hopefully, some day this week we can at least drop in somewhere so I can get some. We'll also have to find some time to go to the grocery store, too. Those are a few things that do kind of hamper preparation day.
I think that is about it for the week. I'm excited to hear about taking Janet to BYU. Seeing the freshman here and thinking that Janet is going to be one of them is strange. She seems a lot more mature then them. Maybe because she is my sister.
I love you all! Thanks for the letters and support. Liie Sarah said, I know Heavenly Father is blessing you for having us both out at the same time.
Love, Joanna
I hope this letter is much appreciated because we walked through wind and rains to get to the library so that we could check our email today. Things with Hurricane Faye are not too bad. I actually thought it was a tropical storm, though. All it is is a lot of wind and rain. The power went off at our dinner appointment last night, so we could only eat the stuff that didn't need to be cooked. It was a little like that Christmas Eve several years ago. It also blinked off for a couple of minutes this morning, during our study, but it came back on. So, my first experience with a tropical storm hasn't been too bad. We weren't really able to work outside yesterday, but we made do with stuff inside and then our service at the Ronald McDonald house in the afternoon.
We are getting ready for the start of school on Monday. We have come up with a plan that will help get the word out early. Most of the other missionaries from the Tallahassee area are going to help us out during the day. The Institute director and the senior couple at the Institute have also been a big help. Other than that we still haven't found anyone to really teach and none of the potential investigators have really made contact with us. So, the work is still slow.
I wish I could go with everyone to the temple. That is one of the things that I really miss. I wish we had a temple so that we could go. Soon enough I'll be able to go again. I got both family letters this week in the mail and also a letter from Grandma, Sarah, and a friend on a mission in California. I was really happy to get some mail. So much has happened in the extended families this summer. I feel like I have missed out on a lot of stuff. Oh well! It happens when you are on a mission.
I do have a couple of things to ask/tell you about. Can I get the recipe for Hot Cross Buns? The senior sister at the Institute was talking about them and said she can't find a recipe for any like the ones her grandma or mom used to make. When she started describing them, it sounded a lot like yours. So, she wanted me to ask you for the recipe.
Also, I was talking to the secretary at the Institute this week. She was asking about Lynn Scoresby and things. I thought maybe I would ask her if she knew Brother Garr. She said that he actually hired her for the job and she got all excited when I told her I knew him. She said that in September or October they are having a Stake CES week and he is coming to be the keynote speaker! I'm excited about it! I hope that I am still here so that I can see him.
We are having Stake Conference this weekend. We are getting a new stake presidency so there are two general authorities coming. We know that one is Elder Kenneth Johnson, who spoke at general conference, but we don't know who the other one is. We only get to go to the Sunday session, though. It will be interesting to see the changes. I haven't been at a stake conference when the stake presidency was changed since I was little. We also have our zone conference this next week.
I finally got a letter from Sarah this week. I really enjoyed it, and am writing her back today. I only need stamps though, and I don't know when I'll be able to get some. Hopefully, some day this week we can at least drop in somewhere so I can get some. We'll also have to find some time to go to the grocery store, too. Those are a few things that do kind of hamper preparation day.
I think that is about it for the week. I'm excited to hear about taking Janet to BYU. Seeing the freshman here and thinking that Janet is going to be one of them is strange. She seems a lot more mature then them. Maybe because she is my sister.
I love you all! Thanks for the letters and support. Liie Sarah said, I know Heavenly Father is blessing you for having us both out at the same time.
Love, Joanna
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hi Family!
It sounds like things are still maintaining their current course at home and with everyone. It is hard to believe that school is about to start again and that I'm almost at my year mark. Time sure has flown by.
I am feeling much better this week. Sister Benfield found out the results of her CT Scan and they still couldn't find anything. So, President Summerhays, along with the missionary department, her parents, and her stake president, decided she needed to go home. She left Wednesday morning really early. Now it is just Sister Wilcox and me. Things have been much better. We have actually gotten to work this week. President Summerhays and I talked this week and he asked me what I could advise him on in regards to the situation here. I was a little shocked to hear it, but I guess that means he trusts that I'll be honest with him.
It has rained a lot this week. It makes it a little difficult because we aren't allowed to proselyte in the buildings on FSU, so when it rains we have to find somewhere dry to sit it out. In fact it is raining today.
The ward is pretty good I guess. It is a student/single ward so people are a little more focused on other things than missionary work. We do have a good ward mission leader, and we have been doing this thing with the members to invite them to invite their friends and other people to things. It is good, and they are pretty responsive to it. Tomorrow we are going to a regular ward sacrament meeting because some of the other elders have an investigator they are giving to us. She is going to be a freshman this year, so she falls into our ward. I am really excited about it. She sounds like she really has a desire to learn and know if it is true. Other than that, our prospects are few as of now. I have faith that we'll find people though.
I have heard about the Olympics. Most of what I have heard is that Michael Phelps is amazing at swimming, Canada has no medals, and the Chinese gymnastics team has some underage competitors. That's about it. I have heard a lot about politics, though. I really don't care much about it, so I usually tune it out.
I did get Shannon's graduation announcement in the mail yesterday. it was my first mail at our new place. The address is the same, but it is Fifield Ln. not Fifield Dr. I was pretty excited to get it. I had remembered a few days earlier that she was going to be graduating. We went to graduation here last Saturday. It was kind of boring, and didn't compare to BYU's graduation. Congratulations Shannon!
School starts here on the 25th. I'm not surprised that it is one of the top party schools. It seems like it would be. The city schools start on Monday. It will be good for it to start. A lot of the people in the ward are gone for the summer. I'm looking forward to when they come back.
I heard about the lean-to on the shed from Uncle Paul a long time ago. Their family wrote me a letter in February, I think, and he told me about it. I'm excited to see the finished project when I get home. At least it will be a nice dry place to keep it. And, I'm sure that everyone else will enjoy carrying in dry fire wood.
I talked to the sisters in Andalusia this week and things are really progressing there. They have 5 baptisms planned for a little later this month. It is so exciting. I also got to talk to one of the members i was really close with. I miss Andalusia, but I know I am supposed to be here and am staying focused on the work here in the Tallahassee 5th Ward.
Well, I guess that is it for today. I feel confident about this next week. We'll have a lot to do.
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!
Love, Joanna
It sounds like things are still maintaining their current course at home and with everyone. It is hard to believe that school is about to start again and that I'm almost at my year mark. Time sure has flown by.
I am feeling much better this week. Sister Benfield found out the results of her CT Scan and they still couldn't find anything. So, President Summerhays, along with the missionary department, her parents, and her stake president, decided she needed to go home. She left Wednesday morning really early. Now it is just Sister Wilcox and me. Things have been much better. We have actually gotten to work this week. President Summerhays and I talked this week and he asked me what I could advise him on in regards to the situation here. I was a little shocked to hear it, but I guess that means he trusts that I'll be honest with him.
It has rained a lot this week. It makes it a little difficult because we aren't allowed to proselyte in the buildings on FSU, so when it rains we have to find somewhere dry to sit it out. In fact it is raining today.
The ward is pretty good I guess. It is a student/single ward so people are a little more focused on other things than missionary work. We do have a good ward mission leader, and we have been doing this thing with the members to invite them to invite their friends and other people to things. It is good, and they are pretty responsive to it. Tomorrow we are going to a regular ward sacrament meeting because some of the other elders have an investigator they are giving to us. She is going to be a freshman this year, so she falls into our ward. I am really excited about it. She sounds like she really has a desire to learn and know if it is true. Other than that, our prospects are few as of now. I have faith that we'll find people though.
I have heard about the Olympics. Most of what I have heard is that Michael Phelps is amazing at swimming, Canada has no medals, and the Chinese gymnastics team has some underage competitors. That's about it. I have heard a lot about politics, though. I really don't care much about it, so I usually tune it out.
I did get Shannon's graduation announcement in the mail yesterday. it was my first mail at our new place. The address is the same, but it is Fifield Ln. not Fifield Dr. I was pretty excited to get it. I had remembered a few days earlier that she was going to be graduating. We went to graduation here last Saturday. It was kind of boring, and didn't compare to BYU's graduation. Congratulations Shannon!
School starts here on the 25th. I'm not surprised that it is one of the top party schools. It seems like it would be. The city schools start on Monday. It will be good for it to start. A lot of the people in the ward are gone for the summer. I'm looking forward to when they come back.
I heard about the lean-to on the shed from Uncle Paul a long time ago. Their family wrote me a letter in February, I think, and he told me about it. I'm excited to see the finished project when I get home. At least it will be a nice dry place to keep it. And, I'm sure that everyone else will enjoy carrying in dry fire wood.
I talked to the sisters in Andalusia this week and things are really progressing there. They have 5 baptisms planned for a little later this month. It is so exciting. I also got to talk to one of the members i was really close with. I miss Andalusia, but I know I am supposed to be here and am staying focused on the work here in the Tallahassee 5th Ward.
Well, I guess that is it for today. I feel confident about this next week. We'll have a lot to do.
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!
Love, Joanna
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hi Family and Friends,
It is so good to hear about home and what's been going on. I did get the package with the shirts in it and I'm actually wearing one right now. They are perfect! Thanks! I'm glad BYU has such a good ranking. All we hear about here is FSU, and it is pretty boring for me. The pictures are both from back in Andalusia. The first is Brenda and her family. The second is my district last transfer.
We moved this week! We have a pretty nice apartment. It actually is a duplex on a pretty quiet street. It is a little bit farther from campus, but that's alright. There is an institute across the street from campus. It is near one of the two church buildings in town. It is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I guess since I only remember the Salt Lake and Orem institute buildings (and they are massive) the one here would feel small. It is good though. I remember that Brother Garr was here, but I can't remember how long ago he said it was, though. Because we moved, we also had to clean the other apartment and get it ready to close. The senior couple who handles the apartments came to make sure everything was alright.
Thursday we went to the hospital for Sister Benfield to have a cat scan. It took forever. She will probably go home this week. She says she wants to go home so she can do other things. It is sad to think that. In a week, I have to go to the dermatologist for a problem I'm having with the skin on one of my fingers. I wouldn't have worried about it, but Sister Summerhays says I need to get it taken care of right away. I wouldn't have gone because it will waste proselyting time. I hate not being about to proselyte like I want to.
We are teaching a 10 year old girl of a member family. They specifically wanted sisters to teach her. It is fun. Other than here, we aren't really teaching anyone. There is such a direct correlation between obedience and dilligence and how many people you have to teach. I really like being here in Tallahassee, but when the people you work with don't want to keep the rules and actually work during proselyting hours, it is hard for the Lord to want to bless you. It is really frustrating. I'm already ready for some changes, and I've only been here for a couple of weeks.
We have been working here in the mission to create a culture that will foster hard work and allow the Lord to bless us. I spent a lot of time studying how I can help create that culture and truly give the Lord my will. Yesterday while I was studying, I came across a scripture in D&C 64:33-34. I love what the Lord says in those verses. We can't be weary or lazy in doing what the Lord asks us to do because whatever it is that we do, that builds a foundation for the future. If we are lazy in our building, we are not going to have a strong foundation. If we are steadfast in what we are doing, we will have a strong and steady foundation that will last through all the trials and difficulties that will shake our testimony. If we are willing to truly give the Lord our heart and our willing mind and obey because we want to, THEN we will reap our reward. The footnotes to Joshua 22:5, Mormon 9:27 and D&C 97:8-9 help us know how we can really give ourselves up. For the first little bit of my mission, I was really hesitant and cautious to give my heart completely to the Lord and do His work. I was scared and nervous, but eventually something clicked that made it so easy for me to hand the Lord everything that I had. As I did that, I saw the blessings that the Lord promised. There are amazing miracles happening in Andalusia. We were finding people who were ready and prepared to hear the gospel and be baptized so that they could go to the temple. It was great. And it wasn't just in Andalusia. In our entire zone we were having so many great miracles. In two weeks, we had 8 baptisms. Everyone had a pretty large teaching pool with lots of good people who were really progressing. It was great. It felt like that is what Zion will be. Then I came to Tallahassee. That culture doesn't exist. It is trying to be established, but everyone wants to have a good time and have fun. Nobody really wants to work. Nobody wants to be exactly obedient like we are supposed to be. It is not the type of mission I want to serve. One of the assistants told me while we were moving that there is nowhere else in the mission like in the Dothan Zone. None of the other zones have really given up that desire to change and freely given up everything to do the Lord's work and focus on that. When we don't give the Lord everything freely, it doesn't work as well. We can reap a reward, but it isn't the greatest reward that the Lord wants to give us. It is frustrating to have to serve with people who aren't willing to do that. In Luke it says, "For with God all things are possible." And it is. It is just hard when you have disobedient companions who don't want to work hard, because blessings are predicated on obedience.
Sorry about that tirade, but being with my companions here in Tallahassee has been pretty miserable. I'm not very happy because we don't have any thing to do. We hardly ever teach, all we do is wander around saying hi to people and asking them if they are interested in religion or sit in the institute with nothing to do. I hate it. I want to work!
I should probably go. I love you all!
Love, Joanna
It is so good to hear about home and what's been going on. I did get the package with the shirts in it and I'm actually wearing one right now. They are perfect! Thanks! I'm glad BYU has such a good ranking. All we hear about here is FSU, and it is pretty boring for me. The pictures are both from back in Andalusia. The first is Brenda and her family. The second is my district last transfer.
We moved this week! We have a pretty nice apartment. It actually is a duplex on a pretty quiet street. It is a little bit farther from campus, but that's alright. There is an institute across the street from campus. It is near one of the two church buildings in town. It is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I guess since I only remember the Salt Lake and Orem institute buildings (and they are massive) the one here would feel small. It is good though. I remember that Brother Garr was here, but I can't remember how long ago he said it was, though. Because we moved, we also had to clean the other apartment and get it ready to close. The senior couple who handles the apartments came to make sure everything was alright.
Thursday we went to the hospital for Sister Benfield to have a cat scan. It took forever. She will probably go home this week. She says she wants to go home so she can do other things. It is sad to think that. In a week, I have to go to the dermatologist for a problem I'm having with the skin on one of my fingers. I wouldn't have worried about it, but Sister Summerhays says I need to get it taken care of right away. I wouldn't have gone because it will waste proselyting time. I hate not being about to proselyte like I want to.
We are teaching a 10 year old girl of a member family. They specifically wanted sisters to teach her. It is fun. Other than here, we aren't really teaching anyone. There is such a direct correlation between obedience and dilligence and how many people you have to teach. I really like being here in Tallahassee, but when the people you work with don't want to keep the rules and actually work during proselyting hours, it is hard for the Lord to want to bless you. It is really frustrating. I'm already ready for some changes, and I've only been here for a couple of weeks.
We have been working here in the mission to create a culture that will foster hard work and allow the Lord to bless us. I spent a lot of time studying how I can help create that culture and truly give the Lord my will. Yesterday while I was studying, I came across a scripture in D&C 64:33-34. I love what the Lord says in those verses. We can't be weary or lazy in doing what the Lord asks us to do because whatever it is that we do, that builds a foundation for the future. If we are lazy in our building, we are not going to have a strong foundation. If we are steadfast in what we are doing, we will have a strong and steady foundation that will last through all the trials and difficulties that will shake our testimony. If we are willing to truly give the Lord our heart and our willing mind and obey because we want to, THEN we will reap our reward. The footnotes to Joshua 22:5, Mormon 9:27 and D&C 97:8-9 help us know how we can really give ourselves up. For the first little bit of my mission, I was really hesitant and cautious to give my heart completely to the Lord and do His work. I was scared and nervous, but eventually something clicked that made it so easy for me to hand the Lord everything that I had. As I did that, I saw the blessings that the Lord promised. There are amazing miracles happening in Andalusia. We were finding people who were ready and prepared to hear the gospel and be baptized so that they could go to the temple. It was great. And it wasn't just in Andalusia. In our entire zone we were having so many great miracles. In two weeks, we had 8 baptisms. Everyone had a pretty large teaching pool with lots of good people who were really progressing. It was great. It felt like that is what Zion will be. Then I came to Tallahassee. That culture doesn't exist. It is trying to be established, but everyone wants to have a good time and have fun. Nobody really wants to work. Nobody wants to be exactly obedient like we are supposed to be. It is not the type of mission I want to serve. One of the assistants told me while we were moving that there is nowhere else in the mission like in the Dothan Zone. None of the other zones have really given up that desire to change and freely given up everything to do the Lord's work and focus on that. When we don't give the Lord everything freely, it doesn't work as well. We can reap a reward, but it isn't the greatest reward that the Lord wants to give us. It is frustrating to have to serve with people who aren't willing to do that. In Luke it says, "For with God all things are possible." And it is. It is just hard when you have disobedient companions who don't want to work hard, because blessings are predicated on obedience.
Sorry about that tirade, but being with my companions here in Tallahassee has been pretty miserable. I'm not very happy because we don't have any thing to do. We hardly ever teach, all we do is wander around saying hi to people and asking them if they are interested in religion or sit in the institute with nothing to do. I hate it. I want to work!
I should probably go. I love you all!
Love, Joanna
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
Well, this week has been pretty good. Things are pretty slow because it is summer and finals are this next week. But, we talked to some pretty interesting people. I met a man from Pakistan who seemed interested, but we wouldn't teach him because he is a male and over the age of 30. We, along with the elders, have talked to this girl named Janelle who has started reading the Book of Mormon and has also watched the Restoration. She loves them both and is pretty interested. She is married, though, so neither sets of us will be teaching her. We also taught a 17 year old girl this week. I'm not sure if we will teach her because she is 17 and still in high school. That is one of the toughest things here. We are to focus on the singles ward age range of people, so we are to particularly look for 18-30 year old female singles. It makes it hard to even want to talk to anyone else becuase we won't be teaching them, but we have to.
Here are some of the neat things about here on Campus. We do service at the Ronald McDonald house every week. It is really cool. It is like running a bed and breakfast for people who have children in the hospital here. They are really nice and they have had missionaries doing service there for quite a while. They really like us, too. The fun things about doing service there is that we get to ride our bikes there. For the second time on my mission I got to ride my bike. I was really out of shape, but there is a trick to bike riding and I'm going to learn it. It was so much fun to ride a bike again. We were wearing pants becuase we were going to do service, so there was no skirt involved.
Another fun thing is they have squirrels all over campus. I don't think I have ever seen so many. One thing that is kind of a fun game to play is tag with the squirrels. It is hard, but I tagged my first squirrel this last week. One of the elders has been trying for 7 weeks and hasn't gotten it, so that was a pretty exciting thing for us missionaries. Don't worry though. I won't get rabies. I don't plan on tagging any more.
Did you know that at FSU you can major in Circus? I didn't either, but you can. I think Janet should come to FSU instead of going to BYU and do the circus. They put shows on, and I hear they even have a big tent during the year. Maybe I'll get the chance to go and see them practice sometime while I am here. I'll let you know.
So, we haven't moved yet because of a switch up, but hopefully this week we will be moving into a different apartment than originally planned. It is a lot nicer and it has a washer and dryer. The place we are at now doesn't so we have to pay. But, next week we will have a washer and dryer! I am so excited. Our address will be:
105 Fifield Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32304
It is going to be so nice to move because I still haven't unpacked most of my stuff, just what I need to survive on.
I think that is about all. Hopefully, this next week there will be a little more excitment. If not, I'll find some more cool information about FSU to share with y'all. I love you!
Love, Joanna
Well, this week has been pretty good. Things are pretty slow because it is summer and finals are this next week. But, we talked to some pretty interesting people. I met a man from Pakistan who seemed interested, but we wouldn't teach him because he is a male and over the age of 30. We, along with the elders, have talked to this girl named Janelle who has started reading the Book of Mormon and has also watched the Restoration. She loves them both and is pretty interested. She is married, though, so neither sets of us will be teaching her. We also taught a 17 year old girl this week. I'm not sure if we will teach her because she is 17 and still in high school. That is one of the toughest things here. We are to focus on the singles ward age range of people, so we are to particularly look for 18-30 year old female singles. It makes it hard to even want to talk to anyone else becuase we won't be teaching them, but we have to.
Here are some of the neat things about here on Campus. We do service at the Ronald McDonald house every week. It is really cool. It is like running a bed and breakfast for people who have children in the hospital here. They are really nice and they have had missionaries doing service there for quite a while. They really like us, too. The fun things about doing service there is that we get to ride our bikes there. For the second time on my mission I got to ride my bike. I was really out of shape, but there is a trick to bike riding and I'm going to learn it. It was so much fun to ride a bike again. We were wearing pants becuase we were going to do service, so there was no skirt involved.
Another fun thing is they have squirrels all over campus. I don't think I have ever seen so many. One thing that is kind of a fun game to play is tag with the squirrels. It is hard, but I tagged my first squirrel this last week. One of the elders has been trying for 7 weeks and hasn't gotten it, so that was a pretty exciting thing for us missionaries. Don't worry though. I won't get rabies. I don't plan on tagging any more.
Did you know that at FSU you can major in Circus? I didn't either, but you can. I think Janet should come to FSU instead of going to BYU and do the circus. They put shows on, and I hear they even have a big tent during the year. Maybe I'll get the chance to go and see them practice sometime while I am here. I'll let you know.
So, we haven't moved yet because of a switch up, but hopefully this week we will be moving into a different apartment than originally planned. It is a lot nicer and it has a washer and dryer. The place we are at now doesn't so we have to pay. But, next week we will have a washer and dryer! I am so excited. Our address will be:
105 Fifield Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32304
It is going to be so nice to move because I still haven't unpacked most of my stuff, just what I need to survive on.
I think that is about all. Hopefully, this next week there will be a little more excitment. If not, I'll find some more cool information about FSU to share with y'all. I love you!
Love, Joanna
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